HARRY HUGHES, Governor 2297
determine the populations presently served, the cost
effectiveness of the program, the program's impact upon the
health of the population served, and their interrelationships to
one another;
4. Assess the feasibility of gathering additional
data and developing information systems to define what the actual
food needs of the population are and to determine to what extent
food needs are being met; in conjunction with this exercise
determine whether surveys or the maintenance of an ongoing
nutritional monitoring system which incorporates existing data
banks would be useful;
5. Assist in the collection of the data needs
identified above and utilize existing resources to establish
information systems;
6. Identify the need for additional financial or
human resources to meet identifiable food needs and recommend to
the Governor, the State Legislature and other appropriate
organizations, the levels and types of resources required; and be
it further
RESOLVED, That the Task Force be composed of 11 10 members
appointed as follows:
(1) 1 member 2 members of the House of Delegates,
appointed by the Speaker of the House;
(2) 1 member 2 members of the Senate of Maryland,
appointed by the President of the Senate;
(3) 7 6 members appointed by the Governor,
(i) 2 members 1 member of the Medical and
Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, 1 of whom is from
the Committee on Preventive Medicine;
(ii) 1 member from the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene;
(iii) 1 member from the Department of Human
(iv) 1 epidemiologist from a recognized school
of public health;
(iv) 1 member from the Department of Education;
(v) 1 member from a food advocacy group; and
(vi) 1 member from a nonpublic emergency food
distribution center; and be it further