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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 1792   View pdf image
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Ch. 563
(c) The Secretary of State shall forthwith mail one copy of
such court process or such notice, order, pleading or process in
proceedings before the Commissioner to the defendant in such
court proceeding or to whom the notice, order, pleading or
process in such administrative proceeding is addressed or
directed at its last known principal place of business and shall
keep a record of all process so served on him which shall show
the day and hour of service. Such service is sufficient,
provided notice of such service and a copy of the court process
or the notice, order, pleading or process in such administrative
proceeding are sent within ten (10) days thereafter by
plaintiff or the plaintiff's attorney in the court proceeding or
by the Commissioner in the administrative proceeding to the
defendant in the court proceeding or to whom the notice, order,
pleading or process in such administrative proceeding is
addressed or directed at its last known principal place of
business of the defendant in the court or administrative
proceeding, and the defendant's receipt, or receipt issued by the
post office with which the letter is [registered] CERTIFIED,
showing the name of the sender of the letter and the name and
address of the person or insurer to whom the letter is addressed,
and the affidavit of the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney in
court proceeding or of the Commissioner in administrative
proceeding, showing compliance herewith are filed with the clerk
of the court in which such action, suit or proceeding is pending
or with the Commissioner in administrative proceedings, on or
before the date the defendant in the court or administrative
proceeding is required to appear or respond thereto, or within
such further time as the court or Commissioner may allow. 243H. (b) (3) When the Fund has negotiated with the plaintiff and
obtained an offer of settlement, if the Fund finds that the offer
is reasonable, the Fund shall notify the defendant of the offer
in the manner provided by the applicable rules adopted by the
Fund. If the defendant approves the offer, the plaintiff shall
proceed to settlement as provided by the rules adopted by the
Fund and the Court of Appeals. If the defendant rejects the
offer, the Fund shall cause a notice to be served on the
defendant sent by [registered mail] CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN
POSTAL SERVICE, to his last known address which shall state: (i) That the Fund shall withdraw from the claim
or action without further notice at the expiration of 30 days
from the date of the notice; (ii) That the defendant has 30 days from the
date of the notice within which to engage counsel of his own
selection to defend him in the claim or action and that his
counsel shall enter his appearance for defendant within the 30
day period or that the defendant may enter an appearance in his
own behalf in the claim or action within that period; and

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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 1792   View pdf image
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