7. Category 7 -- "Operation of plant"
Included are salaries and wages, contracted services,
supplies and materials, other charges, and equipment.
Service area direction
Care and upkeep of buildings services, including
heating and lighting, and other energy costs
Security services
Other operation of plant services
8. Category 8 -- "Maintenance of plant"
Included are salaries and wages, contracted services,
supplies and materials, other charges, and equipment.
Service area direction
Care and upkeep of equipment services
Vehicle servicing and maintenance services (for
other than buses)
Other maintenance of plant services
9. Category 9 -- "Fixed charges"
Retirement funds
Social security
Other employee benefits
Other insurance and judgments
Other fixed charges
10. Category 10 -- "Food services"
Included are salaries and wages, contracted services,
supplies and materials, other charges, and equipment.
Service area direction
Food preparation and dispensing services
Food delivery services
11. Category 11 -- "Community services"