Ch. 551
4. Administrative services
A. General administration
B. Central support services
5. Special education with subcategories
and items budgeted in this category to be determined by the State
Board with the advice of the County Board.
6. Student transportation
7. Operation of plant
8. Maintenance of plant
9. Fixed charges
10. Food services
11. Community services
12. Nonprogrammed
13. Capital outlay
(ii) The major categories under "current
expense fund,
requested appropriations" are defined as follows:
1. Category 1 -- "Instructional salaries"
Includes expenditures for salaries and wages for the
activities of teachers, aides and student support staff,
activities dealing directly with the teaching of students, the
interaction between teacher and students, or the well-being of
students. Teaching may be provided -for students in a school
classroom, in another locale such as a home or hospital, and in
other learning situations such as those involving cocurricular
activities. It may also be provided through some other approved
medium such as television, radio, telephone, and correspondence.
A. Regular programs
Instructional activities designed primarily to prepare
students for activities as citizens and family members.
Elementary programs
Middle/junior high programs
High school programs:
postsecondary education programs