lieu of, and in complete satisfaction of any and all obligations
of the county to pay for any part of the maintenance of the
Commission's park system pursuant to § 8 of Chapter 761 of the
Laws of Maryland, 1953, and all agreements executed pursuant to
the terms of that law.
(b) Prince George's County may levy, collect and pay over
to the Commission any or all of the taxes authorized in
subsection (a) in like manner and upon the same basis as set
forth in subsection (a), in which event all the provisions of
subsection (a) apply equally to both counties.
(c) Of the tax which Prince George's County is authorized
to levy in this title, the county shall levy[,] in each fiscal
year at least [8 1/2 cents in fiscal year 1970, and] ten cents
[thereafter,] on each $100 of assessed value of all property
subject to assessment and taxation by the county within that
portion of the metropolitan district lying within Prince George's
County. The tax shall be levied and paid over to the Commission
in the manner prescribed elsewhere in this title. The proceeds
of the collection of the tax shall be applied primarily to the
payment of the principal and interest of any bonds [or notes]
heretofore or hereafter issued by. the Commission for the
acquisition of park lands in that portion of the metropolitan
district lying within Prince George's County pursuant to the
authority of this title and within the limitations on
indebtedness prescribed in this title. However, the proceeds of
the tax shall also be paid to the Commission notwithstanding the
fact that no principal or interest payments may be due with
respect to any bonds [or notes] and notwithstanding the fact that
no bonds [or notes] may be issued or outstanding in any one
fiscal year. It is the intent of this subsection to provide the
Commission with funds to finance the acquisition of park lands
within that portion of the metropolitan district lying within
Prince George's County, either from current revenues or by the
issue of bonds [or notes], and furthermore, to provide the
Commission with funds necessary for the maintenance, operation,
and development of park land so acquired.
(d) The County Council of Montgomery County and the County
Council of Prince George's County may levy an ad valorem tax in
Prince George's. County and in Montgomery County annually, in
addition to all other taxes levied, for the benefit of and on
behalf of the Commission, upon all the property within the
metropolitan district assessed for county taxation purposes, as
the metropolitan - district is defined at the time of the levy.
Each county is authorized to pay the aggregate amount collected
by the tax to the Commission as they pay other funds collected by
taxation for the benefit of the Commission. The proceeds of the
tax shall be expended by the Commission for the acquisition,
maintenance, development, and operation of the park systems in
the counties, as well as the debt service required by its
outstanding bonds or bonds issued in the future. The Commission
shall expend or disburse that proportion of tax collected from
Montgomery County within Montgomery County and that proportion