Higher Education --
See Vetoed Bills, H.B. 321
Hospitals, State --
See Vetoed Bills, H.B. 1014
* House Bills --
1-Unemployment insurance - Alters the time when an
additional benefit period under the Unemployment
Insurance Law may begin and generally relates to
certain additional unemployment insurance benefits..... 85
2-Public Service Commission - Prohibits the Commission
from granting another rate increase to certain public
service companies for a certain period of time......... 86
95 (2138)
3-Credit - Establishes maximum rates of interest or
finance charge on certain loans, forebearances of
money, retail credit accounts, retail installment sales
transactions, and other credit and loan transactions
and generally relates thereto.......................... 86
* House Joint Resolutions --
1-Yuri Balovlenkov - Urges Soviet President Leonid I.
Brezhnev to grant an exit visa to Yuri Balovlenkov, the
husband of Elena Kusmenko Balovlenkov of Baltimore..... 87
88 (2129)
* House Resolutions --
1-Colonel Thomas S. Smith................................ 95
Interest and Usury --
Credit transactions - Maximum rates of interest or
finance charge on credit and loan transactions,
established; general - See H.B. 3
Johns Hopkins University --
See Vetoed Bills, H.B. 813, 1254
Judges --
See Vetoed Bills, H.B. 743, 942
Juvenile Causes --
See Vetoed Bills, H.B. 625
* Numbers in parentheses refer to roll call numbers.