license for certain violations........................73 (40)
S.B. 782-Property taxation - Permits Prince George's,
Frederick, and Dorchester counties and certain
municipalities to exempt certain property owned by
subdivisions from certain county and municipal tax and
authorizes Anne Arundel, Dorchester, Frederick and
Prince George's counties and certain municipalities to
provide for certain payments in lieu of taxes on
certain property......................................74 (68)
S.B. 802-Baltimore City - Alters the dates in relation to
which discounts may be allowed and penalties imposed
for the payment of certain taxes and relates thereto..77 (41)
S.B. 821-Racing - Creates the Maryland Horse Racing
Council, places for a period of time a portion of
uncashed pari-mutuel ticket moneys into a special
account, and generally relates to the Council.........78 (42)
S.B. 850-Property tax credits - Extends the program with
respect to property assessment increases in excess of
15 percent and relates thereto........................79 (69)
S.B. 855-Workmen's compensation - Provides that the
Workmen's Compensation Commission may decide a motion
for a rehearing without granting a hearing............82 (43)
S.B. 905-Social workers - Provides that a client of a
licensed certified social worker has a privilege in
certain proceedings to refuse to disclose and prevent
disclosure of certain communications made to the
social worker under certain circumstances and
relates thereto......................................83 (70)
S.B. 921-Landlord and tenant - Provides that a certain
provision relating to a tenant's right to redeem leased
premises does not apply to certain tenants under
certain circumstances.................................85 (71)
S.B. 926-Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Provides that certain public assistance shall be
payable to cover the financial needs of the
anticipated child and pregnant woman and generally
relates thereto.........................................87 (72)
S.B. 933-Prince George's County - Authorizes an
additional marriage license fee and provides that the
proceeds fund battered spouse shelters and domestic
violence programs and relates thereto.................90 (44)
S.B. 966-Vehicle laws - Requires the driver of a vehicle
to come to a stop for a pedestrian under certain
circumstances and clarifies the definition of
"crosswalk"...........................................91 (45)
S.B. 967-Maryland Concert Center Loan of 1982 - Creates a
State Debt with proceeds for construction of the
Maryland Concert Center...............................92 (46)
S.B. 981-Rail Property Rehabilitation Loan of 1982 -
Creates a State Debt with proceeds for a grant to
Worcester County for improvements of real property in
the Dagsboro, Delaware to Snow Hill rail facility.....93 (47)
S.B. 984-Montgomery County Pre-Release Center Loan of