Aug. 6
certification of contributions and the levying of taxes
to pay them; providing for the payment of the
contributions and members' contributions with certain
penalties; and providing for the crediting of such
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 73B - Pensions
Section 26 and 135
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1978 Replacement Volume and 1981 Supplement)
The President put the question: Shall the Bill pass,
notwithstanding the objections of the Executive
The roll call vote resulted as follows:
Affirmative: 0 Negative: 46
(See Roll Call No. 55)
The President announced the veto was sustained.
June 1, 1982
The Honorable James Clark, Jr.
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Mr. President:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed Senate Bill 1050.
This bill authorizes the creation of a State Debt to be
used to finance the construction or renovation of certain
public school buildings and facilities by the County Boards
of Education.
House Bill 1824, which was passed by the General
Assembly and signed by me on June 1, 1982, accomplishes the
same purpose. Therefore it is not necessary for me to sign
Senate Bill 1050.
Harry Hughes
Senate Bill No. 1050
AN ACT concerning