Bill No. 176-80
AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE to repeal in its entirety
Section 17-700 of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition
and Supplements), Title 17, "Taxation", Subtitle 7,
"Miscellaneous Taxes", and to enact new Section 17-700 in
lieu thereof, to authorize the County Council to establish,
amend, modify or dissolve special community benefit taxing
districts provided that certain conditions are met; and
matters generally related thereto.
Approved February 18, 1981.
Bill No. 178-80
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact, with amendments,
Section 17-702(e) of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967
Edition and Supplements), Title 17, "Taxation", Subtitle 7,
"Miscellaneous Taxes", to enlarge the purposes of the
Hillsmere Estates Special Community Benefit District and
matters generally related thereto.
Approved January 20, 1981.
Bill No. 191-80
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact with amendments
Section 17-612(b) of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967
Edition and Supplements), Title 17, "Taxation", Subtitle 6,
"Water and Wastewater Charges and Assessments"; to alter the
maximum rates per front foot which the Director of Public
Works may impose upon properties to pay for the construction
of lateral water and wastewater lines and appurtenances
resulting from an approved petition project.
Approved February 18, 1981.
Bill No. 192-80
AN ORDINANCE to add new Section 17-612(e) to the Anne
Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title
17, "Taxation", Subtitle 6, "Water and Wastewater Charges
and Assessments", to establish a rate of special benefit
assessment for those properties to be served by the