strategies and programs which will assure
implementation of the desired objectives
and priorities.
(c) It shall coordinate the on-going
operation of law enforcement, juvenile and
criminal justice agencies, and promote the
resolution of specific juvenile and
criminal justice problems of particular
interest to law enforcement, juvenile or
criminal justice agencies.
(d) It shall conduct special studies on
crime and delinquency as requested by the
(e) It shall promote closer cooperation
among Federal, State, and local agencies
concerned with law enforcement, juvenile
delinquency, and criminal justice.
(f) It shall develop a timely, accurate
and complete information and statistical
system reflecting crime and delinquency in
(g) It is designated and shall act as the
single State agency to accept, receive and
provide for the expenditure of funds,
grants and services under the Federal
Legislation authorizing the Law Enforcement
Assistance Administration; the Omnibus
Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968
as amended by the Justice System
Improvement Act of 1979; and the Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of
1974 and 1980 as amended. It shall
administer, monitor and audit Federal Law
Enforcement Assistance Administration and
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
funds to assist in delinquency prevention
and crime control, and to improve
Maryland's juvenile and criminal justice
(h) It shall plan for the use of, award,
and administer Federal Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention funds to local
subdivisions and State agencies to assist
in delinquency prevention, and to improve
Maryland's juvenile justice system.