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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5408   View pdf image
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5408                                           EXECUTIVE ORDERS

housing conditions in the area; and

(4) The existence of a housing assistance plan
which provides a displacement program and a
public improvement and services program; and

WHEREAS, The designation of an area of chronic economic
distress by the State must be approved by the Secretary
of the Treasury and by the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development; and

WHEREAS, 26 CFR §6a.103A-2(b)(5)(ii) provides that, for the
purpose of making the designation of areas of chronic
economic distress, "State" means the governor of the
State, or a State official commissioned by the governor
or by State statute for such purposes; and

WHEREAS, It appears that the criteria to be used in making
the designation of areas of chronic economic distress
require technical knowledge, analysis, and data within
the unique skills, abilities, and expertise of the
Department of Economic and Community Development and
the Secretary of Economic and Community Development as
the State official who is the head of that Department;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland,
acting pursuant to 26 CFR §6a.103A-2(b)(5)(ii), and in
the absence of a legislative designation by the General
Assembly, do hereby commission the Secretary of
Economic and Community Development to designate areas
of chronic economic distress within the State of
Maryland for the purposes set forth in Section 103A of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, to
withdraw designations of areas of chronic economic
distress, or to make any other submission authorized or
required by Section 103A of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1954, as amended, or by Title 26, Part 6a of the
Code of Federal Regulations, including, but not limited
to, a certification that a proposed designation of an
area of chronic economic distress conforms to Title 26,
Part 6a of the Code of Federal Regulations. This
commission shall take effect immediately and remain in
effect until rescinded by a further executive order.



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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5408   View pdf image
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