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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5249   View pdf image
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(h) With an out-of-state school as a teacher;

(i) With the Maryland State Police if he is not
eligible for vesting in the Maryland State Police Retirement

(j)     With the federal government; [or]

(k)     With an out-of-state municipality;




(9) In the year of his retirement, a member may
receive credit of up to 10 years towards eligibility for
benefits provided under § 145 of this subtitle; if the
member files claim for it with the board of trustees and
pays into this pension system an amount equal to the
reserves required to fund the additional allowance, which
may be paid on an installment basis by contributing not
less than 2 percent of compensation per year, or by
transferring, upon written request to the board of trustees,
any prior contributions to a voluntary retirement benefit,
less any costs of administering that benefit. Contributions
qualifying under § 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code as
amended from time to time may not be transferred. Any
member electing to contribute toward this service who
retires before completing the payments required to purchase
this service shall receive pro rata credit for service
purchased prior to the date of retirement, but the member-
may elect at the time of retirement to make an additional
lump-sum payment for the amount necessary to receive full
credit. In the event a member dies in active service while
paying for credit, and if the credit qualifies for benefits
under this subtitle, the surviving spouse may pay for the
appropriate final adjustment. Otherwise, the appropriate
final adjustment shall be made in the year in which a member
retires, and shall be for previous service time:

(a)  With an out-of-state public school;

(b)  With the federal government;

(c)  With a nonpublic school;

(d)  With any municipal corporation;

(e)  As a postsecondary teacher;



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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5249   View pdf image
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