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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5247   View pdf image
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HARRY HUGHES, Governor                                 5247

[(6)] (5) If a former member who is not retired is
restored to service without having incurred a break in
service, the eligibility service to which he was previously
entitled shall be restored to him. If a former member who
is not retired has incurred a break in service and is
restored to service and the number of consecutive 1-year
breaks in service does not at least equal the aggregate
number of years of his eligibility service rendered before
the break in service, determined as of the time of the break
in service, excluding any eligibility service disregarded
under this section because of any prior break in service, or
if he was entitled to a vested retirement allowance at the
time of the break in service, the eligibility service to
which he previously was entitled may not be disregarded but
shall be restored to him.

shall take effect July 1, 1982.

June 1, 1982
The Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404

Dear Mr. Speaker:

In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed House Bill 491.

This bill repeals the provisions that define "service"
for purposes of eligibility in the Employees' and Teachers'
Pension Systems.

Senate Bill 275, which was passed by the General
Assembly and signed by me on June 1, 1982, accomplishes the
same purpose. Therefore it is not necessary for me to sign
House Bill 491.

Harry Hughes

House Bill No. 494
AN ACT concerning


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Session Laws, 1982
Volume 742, Page 5247   View pdf image
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