WHEREAS, Section 245 of Article 41 requires that any
rule change adopted by a State agency that will increase
expenditures beyond budgetary limitations must be
specifically approved by the General Assembly; and
WHEREAS, The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
has proposed a change to the existing limitation of 20 days
of hospitalization under the Medical Assistance Program
whereby eligible neonatal, trauma and burn patients
hospitalized in specialty referral centers would be exempt
from the limitation; and
WHEREAS, This change to take effect January 1, 1982,
would require an increase in expenditures of $5,742,709 for
fiscal year 1982, which funds are available within the
existing level of the appropriation due to a reduction in
the anticipated level of inpatient care; and
WHEREAS, This proposed rule change has been funded in
the Governor's budget for fiscal year 1983, that is under
consideration by the General Assembly; and
WHEREAS, This proposed rule change was approved by the
Board of Public Works at the Board's meeting on February 24,
1982; now, therefore, be it
proposed rule change for the Medical Assistance Program for
the exemption from the 20-day limitation on hospitalization
for certain categories of patients is approved.
Signed May 4, 1982.
No. 4
(House Joint Resolution No. 97)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Veteran's Administration Hospital Hospitals
FOR the purpose of urgently requesting the President and the
Congress of the United States to immediately proceed
with the funding and construction of a veterans'
hospital in Baltimore City and urging the continued
support of the Fort Howard Veterans' Hospital.
WHEREAS, The federal government has an obligation to
provide modern, inexpensive, and readily accessible health
and medical care facilities and treatment to those
individuals who have served their country in the armed