the fact, for a rule or order returnable in not less than
two or more than five days, directing such person to show
cause before the judge who made the order, or any other
judge aforesaid, why he should not be committed to jail;
upon the return of such order, the judge before whom the
matter and such person shall come on for a hearing shall
examine under oath such person and such person shall be
given an opportunity to be heard; and if the judge shall
determine that such person has refused, without reasonable
cause or legal excuse, to be examined or to answer a legal
or pertinent question, or to produce a book or paper which
he was ordered to bring or produce, he may forthwith commit
the offender to jail, there to remain until he submits to do
the act which he was so required to do, or is discharged
according to law.
Each officer who serves such subpoena shall receive the
same fee as the sheriff would receive in the county or city
where said witness is subpoenaed, and each witness who
appears in obedience to a subpoena, before the Commission or
an inspector or an examiner, shall receive for his
attendance the fees and mileage provided for witnesses in
civil cases in the circuit courts of the counties [or the
common law courts of Baltimore City,] as of the place where
he gives his testimony, which shall be audited and paid from
the State treasury in the same manner as other vouchers
approved by any member of the Commission and the secretary.
No witness subpoenaed at the instance of a party other than
the Commission, or an inspector or examiner, shall be
entitled to compensation from the State treasury unless the
Commission shall certify that his testimony was material to
the matter investigated. In an investigation, the
Commission may cause depositions of witnesses residing
within or without the State to be taken in the manner
prescribed by law for like depositions taken in cases
pending before the circuit courts of the counties [or the
common law courts of Baltimore City,] as is now or hereafter
may be provided by law.
A transcribed copy of the evidence and proceedings or
any specific part thereof, of any investigation taken by a
stenographer appointed by the Commission being certified and
sworn to by such stenographer, to be a true and correct
transcript of the testimony, or of a particular witness, or
any specific part thereof, or to be a correct transcript of
the proceedings had on such investigation so purporting to
be taken and subscribed, may be received in evidence by the
Commission with the same effect as if such stenographer were
present and testified to the facts certified. A copy of
such transcript shall be furnished on demand to any party in
interest upon payment of the fee therefor, as provided for