in violation of this section may, within thirty days after a
violation occurs, file a complaint with the Commissioner, in
writing and acknowledged by the employee, alleging the
discrimination. Upon receipt of the complaint, the
Commissioner shall cause an investigation to be made as he
deems appropriate. Within ninety days of the receipt of a
complaint filed under this section, the Commissioner shall
notify the complainant of the determination under this
subsection (b). If upon investigation, the Commissioner
determines that the provisions of this section have been
violated, he shall file a petition in [any] THE circuit
court of the political subdivision in which (1) the- alleged
violation occurred or (2) where the employer has its
principal office or (3) in the [Circuit Court] CIRCUIT COURT
for Baltimore City, as the case may be, to restrain the
violation of subsection (a) of this section and for other
appropriate relief including rehiring or reinstatement of
the employee to his former position with back pay.
Article 89C - Support of Dependents
(e) "Court" means the District Court and any other
court in this State which exercises criminal jurisdiction
over the enforcement of laws respecting duties of support,
and [either] the circuit court for any county [in this State
the Circuit Court or the Circuit Court No. 2 of Baltimore
City] and juvenile courts having jurisdiction over the civil
enforcement of laws respecting duties of support; and when
the context requires, means the court of any other state as
defined in a substantially similar reciprocal law.
Jurisdiction of all civil enforcement proceedings
hereunder is vested in the circuit court of any county [in
the State, either the Circuit Court or the Circuit Court No.
2 of Baltimore City,] and juvenile courts having
jurisdiction over the enforcement of laws respecting duties
of support.
Article 95A - Unemployment Insurance Law
(h) Any party aggrieved by a decision of the Board of
Appeals may secure judicial review thereof by appeal to the
circuit court of the county [or the Superior Court of
Baltimore City, as the case may be]. The Board of Appeals
may in its discretion, certify to such court questions of
law involved in any decision by it. In any judicial
proceeding under this section, the findings of the Board of
Appeals as to the facts, if supported by competent, material
and substantial evidence in view of the entire record, and