conveyance from Oscar F. Fulks and Edith M. Fulks to the
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission as recorded among
the land records of Montgomery County in liber C. K. W. 612,
folio 345, being also a point on the west side of Water
Street, thence north 64° 31' 40" west 200.89 feet to the
southwest corner of the lot, thence in a northeasterly
direction west of, parallel to and 200 feet distant from the
west side of Water Street to the corporate limits of the
Town of Gaithersburg, thence in a southwesterly direction
with the corporate limits and the existing boundary of the
Washington Suburban Sanitary District to point of beginning.
(a) The two areas herein described are hereby added to
the Washington Suburban Sanitary District, created by
chapter 122 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1918:
(1) All of that tract in the Cabin John Area
within the following metes and bounds: Beginning for the
same at a point on the Maryland-Virginia boundary line where
the prolongation of the east, second or south 17° 23' 30"
west, 1000.05 foot line of the tract of land conveyed to
Appleton P. Clark, Jr., by deed dated June 24, 1927, and
recorded June 27, 1927, among the land records of Montgomery
County, in liber 428 at folio 265 intersects the
Maryland-Virginia boundary line, the point being on the
present boundary of the Washington Suburban Sanitary
District as described in section 19-8 and running thence in
a northerly direction with the prolongation of and with the
east, second or south 17° 23' 30", west, 1000.05 foot line
of the tract of land conveyed to Clark as aforesaid, being
also the present boundary of the sanitary district, to the
south line of Conduit Road, thence in an easterly direction
along the south line of Conduit Road, being also the present
boundary of the sanitary district, to Cabin John Branch,
thence in a southerly direction with the present boundary of
the sanitary district to a point on the Maryland-Virginia
boundary line, thence in a westerly direction with the
Maryland-Virginia boundary line to the point of beginning.
(2) All of the subdivision known as Seven Locks
Terrace, as shown on a plat thereof recorded among the land
records of Montgomery County in plat book 32, plat 2070.
(b) The jurisdiction of the Washington Suburban
Sanitary Commission is hereby extended to include the areas
above described and the areas shall be subject to all the
rules and regulations of the commission and all provisions
of law relating to the district including taxes, benefit
assessments and other sums or charges levied by the
commission in other parts of the district.