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securities of the system, and the last balance sheet showing
the financial condition of the retirement system by means of
an actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of the
system. A copy of the annual report required by this
subsection shall be furnished to the treasurer or to the
finance officer of every county, municipality and agency
which contributes to the Employees' Retirement System.
(12) The Attorney General of the State shall be the
legal adviser of the board of trustees.
(13) The board of trustees shall designate a medical
board to be composed of three physicians not eligible to
participate in the retirement system. If required, other
physicians may be employed to report on special cases. The
medical board shall arrange for and pass upon all medical
examinations required under the provisions of this article,
shall investigate all essential statements and certificates
by or on behalf of a member in connection with an
application for disability retirement, and. shall report in
writing to the board of trustees is conclusions and
recommendations upon all the matters referred to it.
(14) The board of trustees shall designate an actuary
who shall be the technical adviser of the board of trustees
on matters regarding the operation of the funds created by
the provisions of this article, and shall perform such other
duties as are required in connection therewith.
(15) Immediately after the establishment of the
retirement system the actuary shall make such investigation
of the mortality, service and compensation experience of the
members of the system as he shall recommend and the board of
trustees shall authorize, for the purpose of determining the
proper mortality and service tables to be prepared and
submitted to the board of trustees for adoption. Having
regard to such investigation and recommendation the board of
trustees shall adopt for the retirement system such
mortality and service tables as shall be deemed necessary
and certify the rates of contribution payable under the
provisions of this article.
(16) In the year nineteen hundred and forty-five and
at least once in each five-year period thereafter, the
actuary shall make an actuarial investigation into the
mortality, service and compensation experience of the
members and beneficiaries of the retirement system, and
shall make a valuation of the assets and liabilities of the
funds of the system, and taking into account the result of
such investigation and valuation, the board of trustees
shall adopt for the retirement system such mortality,
service and other tables as shall be deemed necessary and
shall certify the rates of contribution payable under the
provisions of this article.