WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland at its January
Session of 1980 enacted five Acts proposing amendments
to the Constitution of Maryland to be submitted to the
voters at the next General Election, to wit: Chapter
136, relating to the charter for the Government of Anne
Arundel County; Chapter 523, relating to the
consolidation of the several courts of the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City; Chapter 524, relating to the
provisions of removal of cases from one court to
another; Chapter 610, relating to the authorization of
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City to make,
guarantee and insure loans for buildings and structures
in said City; Chapter 630, relating to the acquiring of
any property that is not built on in Wicomico County.
WHEREAS, The said above recited Acts and each of them, and
Article XIV of the Constitution, provide for the
submission of the same to the legal and qualified
voters of the State for their adoption or rejection, at
the election to be held on November 4, 1980; and
WHEREAS, At the election held on the day and date set
forth, the said Acts and each of them were so submitted
to the legal and qualified voters of the State and from
the certified copies of the returns thereof, duly filed
with me as directed by the Constitution and Laws of the
State, it appeared that:
For the adoption of Chapter 136, (Question No. 1)
as aforesaid, 512,318 votes were cast, and
against the adoption thereof, 171,478 votes were
cast; and
For the adoption of Chapter 523, (Question No. 2)
as aforesaid, 606,767 votes were cast, and
against the adoption thereof, 175,041 votes were
cast; and
For the adoption of Chapter 524, (Question No. 3)
as aforesaid, 628,688 votes were cast, and
against the adoption thereof, 213,527 votes were
cast; and
For the adoption of Chapter 610, (Question No. 4)
as aforesaid, 469,813 votes were cast, and
against the adoption thereof, 246,153 votes were
cast; and
For the adoption of Chapter 630, (Question No. 5)
as aforesaid, 301,481 votes were cast, and
against the adoption thereof, 371,483 votes were
cast; and