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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 2635   View pdf image
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the flood conditions sought to be remedied and remove any
buildings or structures thereon, and thereafter hold the
acquired property or interests in property with restrictions
against use thereof for any residential, commercial, or
industrial activity or with the same limitations and
restrictions as to use by lease, sale, or other contractual
arrangement deemed satisfactory to the Commission, transfer
the use of title thereof to another governmental agency,
board, or commission of the State of Maryland, or Prince
George's County, or the federal government, for
governmental, public recreational, or other public use not
involving habitation, commercial, or industrial activity.
The cost of implementing the alternate remedy by the
measures set forth herein shall be deemed to be and it is
hereby included within the cost of storm water, surface
drainage, or flood control projects or systems. The cost of
the storm water, surface drainage, or flood control projects
or systems shall be deemed to include, in addition to all
other items of cost, any portion of the costs of the design
and construction of trunk sewers, sewage pumping stations,
and sewage disposal facilities and major water supply lines
and reinforcing mains and other sanitary sewer and water
supply facilities of the Washington Suburban Sanitary
District which the Commission shall determine to have been
or will be incurred on account of the construction or
planned construction of such storm water, surface drainage,
or flood control projects or systems. The bonds shall be
dated, shall bear interest at such rate or rates annually as
the Commission determines to be advantageous to the District
and otherwise in the public interest, shall mature at such
time or times not exceeding 40 years from their date or
dates, as may be determined by the Commission, and may be
made redeemable before maturity, at the option of the
Commission, at such price or prices and under such terms and
conditions as may be fixed by the Commission prior to the
issuance of the bonds. The bonds may be issued in coupon
form, or in registered form, or both, as the Commission may
determine, and provision may be made for the registration of
any coupon bonds as to principal alone. The Commission
shall fix the denomination or denominations of the bonds and
the form and manner of execution of the bonds and of any
interest coupons to be attached thereto.

(b) The bonds authorized by the Commission to be
issued hereunder at any one time for payment of the cost of
storm water, surface drainage, or flood control projects or
systems, including the cost of any engineering or other
surveys in connection therewith, in that portion of the
Washington Suburban Sanitary District situated in Prince
George's County, shall constitute a separate series from any
other bonds of the District, and the proceeds therefrom
shall be used for the aforesaid purposes in that portion of
the District. For the payment of the principal of and the
interest on the bonds of this series, and for the payment of
the interest on any notes issued under the provisions of
subsection (c), below, in anticipation of the issuance of
any bonds of this series, the County Council of Prince


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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 2635   View pdf image
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