Ch. 692
accordance with Article 78A, Section 3 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1976 Replacement Volume and 1977 Supplement, as
amended from time to time). If, however, the total loan
authorized by this Act has not been issued within two years
from the effective date of this Act, the total issuable
bonds authorized by this Act shall be reduced by the amount
specified in this Act for abandoned funds. For the purposes
of this Act, funds are encumbered when a project is approved
for a grant under this program for a specified amount, by
action of the Board of Public Works.
(7)(6) No portion of the proceeds of the loan or any
of the matching funds may be used for the furtherance of
sectarian religious instruction, or in connection with the
design, acquisition, or construction of any building used or
to be used as a place of sectarian religious worship or used
or to be used as a place for sectarian religious
instruction, or in connection with any part of any program
or department of divinity for any religious denomination.
Upon the request of the Board of Public Works, Mt. St.
Mary's College shall submit evidence satisfactory to the
Board that none of the proceeds of this loan or any of the
matching funds have been or are being used for a purpose
prohibited by this Act.
(8) No part of the applicant's matching fund may
consist of real property, or in kind contributions, or funds
expended prior to the date at which the requested State
grant is approved by the Board of Public Works. In case of
any dispute as to what money or assets may qualify as
matching funds, the board of Public Works shall determine
the matter, and the Board's decision shall be final.
shall take effect June 1, 1981.
Approved May 19, 1981.
(House Bill 1556)
AN ACT concerning
Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County
Detention Center
MC 242-81
FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt
in the amount of $146,000, the proceeds to be used as a
State grant to assist in the design, planning,
construction, and equipping of a gymnasium for the
Montgomery County Detention Center, subject to the