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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 23   View pdf image
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the special revolving fund. Notice of such hearing shall be
given to the receiver and the owner of the nursing home at
least 7 days prior to the date of such hearing.

(2) Any expenditures from this fund shall become
a lien on the nursing home and its assets upon the receiver
filing a notice of lien which sets forth the amount of the
lien, the name of the nursing home affected by the lien, and
a description of the nursing home's assets which are
affected by the lien. The notice shall be filed among the
land and chattel records of the county where the nursing
home is located and with the State Department of
[Assessment] ASSESSMENTS and Taxation. No lien for any
expenditure out of the fund shall exist until the notice of
lien is filed. A repayment schedule shall be determined by
the Secretary. The lien provided for in this subsection
shall be prior to any lien or other interest which attaches
subsequent to the time the lien provided for in this
subsection attaches. No lien shall exist under this
subsection against any property of a nursing home which is
not described in the notice of lien; and no owner or
affiliate shall be liable for payment of any lien except to
the extent of his beneficial interest in the property
affected by the lien.


As a part of the comprehensive water pollution control
program, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shall
submit a report to the Governor and to the General Assembly
no later than June 1, 1969, which shall summarize the water
pollution control program for the State. The report, which
shall be prepared annually, shall include:

(1)  Status of comprehensive county water supply
and sewerage plans developed in compliance with [§ 387(c)] §
387C of Article 43 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2)  Status of implementation programs for
achieving the water quality standards of the State.
Outstanding violations and the status of correction shall be

(3)  Status of interstate compacts and programs
of interstate agencies.

(4)  Status of studies and programs developed
pursuant to this subtitle.

(5)  Description and status of related federal
plans and studies.

(6)  Other State programs pertaining to water and
related land resources.

The report shall include proposals and recommendations
for legislative and administrative action to improve and
implement the requirements of this section.


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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 23   View pdf image
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