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party state receiving such aid for any loss or damage to, or
expense incurred in the operation of any equipment answering
a request for aid, and for the cost incurred in connection
with such requests; provided, that any aiding party state
may assume in whole or in part such loss, damage, expense,
or other cost, or may loan such equipment or donate such
services to the receiving party state without charge or
cost; and provided further that any two or more party states
may enter into supplementary agreements establishing a
different allocation of costs as among those states. The
United States government may relieve the party state
receiving aid from any liability and reimburse the party
state supplying [civil defense] EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND
CIVIL DEFENSE forces for the compensation paid to and the
transportation, subsistence and maintenance expenses of such
forces during the time of the rendition of such aid or
assistance outside the state and may also pay fair and
reasonable compensation for the use or utilization of the
supplies, materials, equipment or facilities so utilized or
Article 9. Plans for the orderly evacuation and
reception of the civilian population as the result of an
emergency [or disaster] shall be worked out from time to
time between representatives of the party states and the
various local [civil defense] EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND CIVIL
DEFENSE areas thereof. Such plans shall include the manner
of transporting such evacuees, the number of evacuees to be
received in different areas, the manner in which food,
clothing, housing, and medical care will be provided, the
registration of the evacuees, the providing of facilities
for the notification of relatives or friends and the
forwarding of such evacuees to other areas or the bringing
in of additional materials, supplies, and all other relevant
factors. Such plans shall provide that the party state
receiving evacuees shall be reimbursed generally for the
out-of-pocket expenses incurred in receiving and caring for
such evacuees, for expenditures for transportation, food,
clothing, medicines and medical care and like items. Such
expenditures shall be reimbursed by the party state of which
the evacuees are residents, or by the United States
government under plans approved by it. After the termination
of the emergency [or disaster] the party state of which the
evacuees are resident shall assume the responsibility for
the ultimate support or repatriation of such evacuees.
Article 11. The committee established pursuant to
Article 1 of this compact may request the [Civil Defense]
United States government to act as an informational and
coordinating body under this compact, and representatives of
such agency of the United States government may attend
meetings of such committee.
Article 12. This compact shall become operative
immediately upon its ratification by any state as between it
and any other state or states so ratifying and shall be