Ch. 505
(including a sanitary district or water district) a number
of persons sufficient to operate it are appointed to the
vacancies and have qualified. The powers provided in this
section exist and may be exercised only during the effective
period of an official proclamation by the Governor,
declaring a portion or all of the tax area or tax district
(including a sanitary district or water district) to be
within [a civil defense] AN EMERGENCY [or disaster] area,
actual or threatened.
(a) If, by reason of any military or warlike
catastrophe, there are conditions of serious human
suffering, death, personal injury, and property damage, or
any of these conditions, in any of the counties of this
State; and if the Governor of Maryland for this reason
officially has proclaimed part or all of the county to be
within [a civil defense] AN emergency [or disaster] area,
actual or threatened, the board of county commissioners or
county council of the county has the powers granted in this
section for the period during which the proclamation is
All laws, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of
this State and of any of its political subdivisions, and of
any board, department, bureau, commission, or other agency
of the State or of one of its political subdivisions, which
relate to or concern [a civil defense] AN emergency [or
disaster], actual or threatened, military or warlike
catastrophe, are applicable and may be applied during the
effective period of an official proclamation of the Governor
of this State declaring a portion or all of the particular
area to be within [a civil defense] AN emergency [or
disaster] area, actual or threatened. The provisions of
this section do not qualify or reduce powers of [civil
defense or of civil defense] EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND CIVIL
DEFENSE agencies which for their effectiveness do not depend
upon the existence of an emergency or upon a proclamation by
the Governor.
Article 41 - Governor - Executive and
Administrative Departments
(a) The following departments, agencies, boards,
commissions, offices, divisions, and units of the State
government are included within the Department of Public
Safety and Correctional Services: the [Maryland Civil
Defense and Disaster Preparedness] STATE EMERGENCY
MANAGEMENT AND CIVIL DEFENSE Agency established pursuant to
§ 204D of this article, the [Civil Defense and Disaster
Advisory Council, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board,