Arbitration, which shall consist of one person selected by
the person making the appeal, one person selected by the
board, and a third person selected by both of those persons.
The decision of the Board of Arbitration, or a majority of
its members, shall be final and [finding] BINDING upon all
the parties to the appeal. The members of the board shall
be paid the sum of $5 each, which sum shall be deposited
with the board by the person taking the appeal. If the
Board of Arbitration affirms the decision of the board, the
money deposited shall be used to pay the board. However, if
that decision is reversed, the Board of Arbitration shall be
paid out of the funds in the hands of the board, and the
deposit of $15 shall be returned. In addition, each
applicant shall pay to the Treasurer of the Board of
Electrical Examiners the sum of $25 for the license. Every
person, firm or corporation before receiving a license shall
make, execute and deliver to the board a good and sufficient
bond, to be approved by the board, in the name of the State
of Maryland in the penal sum of $1,000. This bond shall be
conditioned upon the faithful performance of any and all
work entered upon or contracted for by the Master
Electrician and to save harmless the owner, or real party in
interest in the property for which any electrical material
is furnished or services performed, against loss, damage and
injury which arise through want of skill, or through the
failure to use suitable or proper material in the
performance of any work contracted for or undertaken by the
Master Electrician, or his or its agents or employees. An
action may be maintained in the name of the owner or real
party in interest only, if commences within one year from
and after the date of the installation of the materials
furnished or performance of the work or service.
Any person, firm or corporation who practices, engages,
or continues in the work of a Master Electrician without
having complied with all the provisions of this sub-title;
any person not licensed as a Master Electrician who does or
performs any work of that nature except under the direction
of a Master Electrician; and any person having been licensed
as a Master Electrician who fails to renew his license and
who does or performs any work of that nature or who violates
any of the provisions of THIS sub-title is guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be sentenced to pay a
fine of not less than $25 nor more than $500 or to an
imprisonment not exceeding 90 days, or both, in the
discretion of the court. [any] ANY conviction on those
grounds shall revoke and annul automatically any license
that may have been issued to that person.
(d) A vacancy in the office of a member, other than by
expiration, shall be filled in the manner as an original
appointment but only for the remainder of the term of the
retiring member. Members may be removed by the