FOR the purpose of granting to the State Board of
Commissioners of Practical Plumbing the authority to
reprimand, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew the
certificate or permit of licensees under certain
circumstances; granting to the Board the authority to
issue master plumbers' licenses by reciprocity with any
subdivision or official body of this State; making
technical amendments; and generally relating to the
practice of plumbing.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 43 - Health
Section 333
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1980 Replacement Volume and 1980 Supplement)
MARYLAND, That section(s) of the Annotated Code of Maryland
be repealed, amended, or enacted to read as follows:
Article 43 - Health
(A) The Board of Commissioners may make such rules and
regulations for the enforcement of the provisions of this
subtitle and for the performance of their duties hereunder,
from time to time, as in their judgment they may deem
necessary, and they may provide for the examination of
applicants for journeyman plumbers' certificates or permits,
and for the issuing of certificates or permits to journeyman
plumbers after passing such examination as the Commissioners
may deem proper. The Commissioners shall designate them
either "certificates" or "permits," as they may deem proper.
They shall provide for the issuing of permits to
apprentices, but journeyman plumbers and apprentices shall
be authorized to work only under the direction and control
of a duly certified master plumber. The certificate or
permits shall be so framed as to show that journeyman
plumbers and apprentices are authorized to work only as
above provided.
(B) The Board may demand and receive from each
journeyman plumber the sum of $15 at the time of issuing of
the first certificate to a journeyman plumber, and the sum
of $10 for the renewal thereof each and every year
thereafter, on or before the first day of May. There shall
be a charge of $5 for the issuing of permits or renewals of
permits to apprentices. The Commissioners may fix the
requirements of the competency and qualification of
applicants, whether of master plumbers or of journeyman
plumbers, as different standards, in their judgment, for
different parts of the State, and may accordingly limit the
certificates so as to permit the holder thereof to do
plumbing work only in certain specified sections of the
State, as the Commissioners may determine.