Volume 740, Page 285 View pdf image |
Januarÿ Court 1703=4 Court Barnard Powell being figned bÿ this^ in ye Sume of twentÿ Shills Sterg, Nattll Wright paÿs ye Sd Sume to Mr: John Sallter, and George Smith assumes to paÿ ye Sd Wright ye afsd Sume Robert Smith Esqr: acknowledges a Deed of Conveÿance to Richard Moore John Meridith makesoathyt he heard a Certaine Tho: Williams Swear one oath as allsoe a Course, for wch ye Sd Williams is figned tenn Shills, & bÿ further Information the Sd Williams is figned tenne Shills more of wch two fignes Mr: Allxr Graves assumes to paÿ tenn Shills, five Shills more; all wch paÿmts is accepted bÿ this Court Ordred bÿ this Court, that all vinire facias (yt Shall be hereafter Issued) Shall be Sent to ye Constables Thomas Phillips (Sonne to Tho: Phillips) is bound bÿ this Court, to a certaine Joseph Shaw of Tallbott Countÿ, untill ye Sd orphan is of ye age of one & twentÿ year’s and ye Sd Orphan is adjudged bÿ this Court to be nine years of age, Whereupon ye Sd Joseph oblieges himselfe to learn the Sd orphan to read & to write before ye Sd time be Expired, as allsoe yt he ye Sd Joseph Shall give unto the Sd orphan ( att ye Ex piration of ye time afsd ) a Suit of broad Cloath or Kearseÿ wth Shoes & hoeses and two white Lennin Shirts Ordred bÿ this Court that David Phillips brother to ye orphan above Sd be bound to Mr: Richard Macklin, & ye Sd David to Serve untill he be to be five years of age, & ye Sd Mr: Macklin oblieges himselfe to prform ye Same to ye Sd David as The Sd Joseph above, Doe pr= misse ye Sd Phillip above Sd William Hagan being brought before this Court bÿ a warrãnt Granted bÿ Mr: Elias King, is Comitted into ye Sherfs Custodÿ, for want of Securÿtie, for his appearance ag next Court upon the Moiõn of John Huges, to this Court, a Certificate is Granted him to be A fitt man for River in this Countÿ |
Volume 740, Page 285 View pdf image |
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