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Kent County Court, Proceedings, 1701-1705
Volume 740, Page 160   View pdf image
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        that is to Say the twenty fifth day of Novr. in the year afd at Kent
        County afd that is to Say within ye. Jurisdicion of this Court afd =
        to his owne proper use and proffitt did dispose and Convert to =
        the loss of the Said James four thousand pounds of tobacco &
        thereupon he brings this Suit~   Pledges &ca. Jno. Doe R Roe:
                And the Said Defendt. by Richd. Macklin his Attry comes
        And defends the force and Injury when &c: And for plea Says yt:
        he is not guilty of the Trover and Conversion as above Imposed
        against him And for Tryall puts himself upon the Countrey ~
                And the plaintf in like Manner~ —————
        Thereupon Comand is given the Sherf of Kent County that
        he Immediately Cause to Come here twelve &ca. by whom &ca.
        who neither &ca. to recognize &ca. because as well &ca. —
             Who Makes retn. of his Said precept that he has here
        Ready twelve &ca. As by sd. precept he was Comanded
        To   wit John Davis John Hodges Edward Carrill Richd. Jagoe
        George Powell Rennatus Smith Wm. Robinson Arthur Miller
        John Blakiston Wm. Price Samuel Thomas and George Copper
        Who being Elected Tryed and Sworne to Say the truth in the
        Premises And having heard the pleadings and Allegations
        on both Sides do Say upon their oaths we of the Jury find
        for the plaintf.
                It is therefore Considered by the Court here this twenty
        fifth day of November Anno Dmi. 1702 That the Said James
      Smith Recover against the Said Giles Shute as well the Sd horse
      of the price of two thousand pounds of tobacco as afd As the Sume
      of four hundred thirty and five pounds of tobacco Cost of Suit &
      the Defendt. in Mercy &ca.
                                                                  Geo: Lumley Clerr curr Comr
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                           Caner

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Kent County Court, Proceedings, 1701-1705
Volume 740, Page 160   View pdf image
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