Volume 740, Page 141 View pdf image |
Septr. Court 1702 The which Decln plea and demurr. being read heard and fully understood And by the Court Maturely deliberated it is Considered by the Said Court that the said plea of the Said Defendt: is not Sufficient to debar the plaintf. from having his accon afd So as afd brought And that the Afd demurr. of the Said plaintf to the plea of the Said Defendt: be Adjudged good And it is therefore further Considered by the Said Court that the Said Charles Marshall and Uxr: Recover against the Sd. Rennatus Smith As well the Sume of three thousand Six hundred & twelve pounds of tobacco the debt afd for damages in the decln menconed As Also the Sume of three hundred and fifty three pounds of tobo: for their Costs of Suit and the Said Defendt: in Mercy &ca: Thereupon Comes the Said Rennatus Smith and Appeal: =ed from the Judgt. of the Said Court to the next provll. Court which is granted unto him he giving Security According to Law ~ Thereupon Comes the Said Rennatus Smith with Michl: Earle And John Lloyd his Suretys who became bound for the Said Rennatus Smith Accordingly As pr Said bond filed in this Court May Appeare ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Detains. And Whereupon the Said Matthew Dowler by Richard Mack: :lin his Attry Saith that Whereas the Said Wm. Hollinsworth the tenth day of August Anno Dmi. 1700 at Kent County within the Jurisdiccon of this Court by his certaine bill or writing obligatory Sealed with his Seale as his act and deed delivered and hereinto Court brought~ whose date is the day and year afd did bind himself his heires Exrs and Admrs. to pay unto the Said Matthew Dowler his Exrs. Or Admrs. the afd Sume of five hundred pounds of tobacco qualifyed as afd Convenient in wye or Chester river at or upon the tenth day of October next Ensuing the date of the Said Bill or writing obli: :gatory Yett Nevertheless the Said Wm. Hollinsworth the afd Sume of 500lb Tobacco according to the tenr: of the Same bill or writing Obligatory unto the Said Matthew Dowler hath not paid but the Same to pay hath denyed and refused and Still doth deny and refuse and unjustly detaine to the damage of the Said Matthew one thousand pounds of tobacco and thereupon he brings this Suit~ pledgs: &ca. Jno. Doe Ri Roe. |
Volume 740, Page 141 View pdf image |
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