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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 73   View pdf image
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(3) "Minority person" means one who is a social
or economically disadvantaged person. The disadvantage may
arise from cultural, racial, chronic economic circumstances
of background, or other similar causes. "Minority person"
includes, but is not limited to, Negroes, females, Puerto
Ricans, Spanish speaking Americans, American Indians,
Eskimos, Aleuts, Orientals, and handicapped sheltered
oriented workshops.

(b)  There is an Office of Minority Business Enterprise
within the Department of Economic and Community Development.

(c)  The Governor, with the advice and consent of the
Senate, shall appoint a Director of this office who shall
carry out the various State and federal programs created to
foster growth and participation in minority business.

(d)  The Office of Minority Business Enterprise,
through the Director, shall:

(1)  Promote and coordinate plans, programs, and
program objectives, and operations of the State government
which affect or may contribute to the establishment,
preservation, and strengthening of minority business

(2)  Promote the mobilization of activities and
resources of State and local governments, businesses, and
trade associations, universities, foundations, professional
organizations, and volunteer and other groups, towards the
growth of minority business enterprises, and coordinate the
efforts of these groups with those of State government,
local and federal agencies.

(3)  Establish a system for the development,
collection, summarization, and dissemination of information
to assist persons and organizations of the State in
undertaking or promoting the establishment and successful
operation of minority business enterprises.

(4)  Within constraints of law and availability
of funds, provide technical and management assistance to
minority business enterprises; provide the managerial and
organizational framework through which joint or
collaborative undertakings with State agencies or private
organizations can be planned and implemented; and defray all
or part of the costs of pilot or demonstration projects
which are designed to overcome the special problems of
minority business enterprises.]




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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 73   View pdf image
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