Approved March 6, 1979.
Bill No. 79-5
AN ACT concerning
Subdivision Control
FOR the purpose of enacting new subdivision regulations
for Worcester County, Maryland, as prescribed by Article 66B
of the Annotated Code of Maryland, to include provisions
relating to the following: Purpose, Short Title, Intent,
Territory Affected, Separability Clause, Interpretation and
Application, Establishment of Fees, Limitations on
Governmental Liability, Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances and
Regulations, Provisions for Control, Enforcement and
Penalties, Procedures for Minor Subdivisions, and the
Platting Thereof Requiring Approval of the Planning
Commission, Procedures for Major Subdivisions, and the
Platting Thereof Requiring Approval of the Planning
Commission, Establishing Standards for the Suitability of
Land for Development and for Subdivision Design Requirements
and General Standards, Establishing Requirements for
Improvement Guarantees in Subdivisions, and Dealing
Generally with the Subdivision of Land in Worcester County.
Approved July 10, 1979.
Bill No. 79-6
AN ACT concerning
Zoning Definitions
FOR the purpose of clarifying the definition of a minor
subdivision as set forth in Section 1-324(a)(3) and a road
as set forth in Section 1-121(b) of the Zoning and
Subdivision Control Article of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Worcester County, Maryland.
Approved July 24, 1979.
Bill No. 79-7
AN ACT concerning
County Projects, Plans and Regulations - Zoning Law
FOR the purpose of amending Section 1-103 of the Zoning
and Building Regulations Article of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Worcester County, Maryland, to provide for certain