President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Delegates are urged to appoint a committee to develop rules
and regulations to simplify language in consumer contracts;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Plain Language Study Committee be
comprised of 14 15 16 members as follows: one representative
of the Maryland Consumer Finance Association, one
representative of the Maryland Association of Realtors, one
representative of the insurance industry, one representative
of the Retail Merchants Association of Maryland, one
representative of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce, one
representative of the Maryland Bar Association, one
representative of the banking industry, one representative
of the savings and loan industry, three consumer members
from the public sector, two representatives of a County
Consumer Protection Office, one representative of the
Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney
General, one representative of the House of Delegates, and
one representative of the Senate of Maryland; and be it
RESOLVED, That the committee should report its
recommendations to the 1981 General Assembly and these
recommendations when acted upon by the General Assembly
should become effective January 1, 1982; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution shall be
forwarded to the Maryland State Insurance Commissioner, 1
South Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202; Mr. Ned
McNeal, Executive Vice President, Retail Merchants
Association, 300 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Maryland
21201; Mr. William K. Weaver, Executive Vice President,
Maryland Bankers Association, Suite 300, 10 Light Street,
Baltimore, Maryland 21203; Mr. Bill Hollins, Maryland
Chamber of Commerce, 60 West Street, Annapolis, Maryland
21401; Mr. Peter Moser, President, Maryland State Bar
Association, 2 Hopkins Plaza, Suite 1300, Baltimore,
Maryland 21201; Mr. William R. Kahn, Treasurer, Maryland
Consumer Finance Association, 26 South Calvert Street, Suite
1101, Baltimore, Maryland 21202; Mr. Edgar Hilley, Executive
Vice President, Maryland Association of Realtors Inc.,
Suburban Trust Building, 2083 West Street, Annapolis,
Maryland 21401; the Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor; the
Honorable James Clark, President of the Senate; the
Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker of the House of
Signed April 22, 1980.
No. 8
(Senate Joint Resolution No. 39)