indigenous to the coal mining industry in the individual
coal producing states; and
WHEREAS, The State of Maryland has historically
recognized and excelled in the promotion of the
environmental and economic well-being of the State while
regulating the surface mining industry within the State;
now, therefore, be it
Congress of the United States be requested to amend the
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (P.L.
95-87) by amending Section 503(a)(7) of the Act, by striking
the phrase "regulations issued by the Secretary pursuant
to"; and, in Section 701(25) of the Act, by striking the
phrase "and regulations issued by the Secretary pursuant to
this Act," in order to authorize the coal producing states
to establish surface mining and reclamation programs, within
their respective states, consistent with this Act, without
the further requirement of consistency with federal rules
and regulations; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the
Maryland Congressional Delegation: Senators Charles McC.
Mathias, Jr. and Paul S. Sarbanes, Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C. 20510; and Representatives Robert E.
Bauman, Clarence D. Long, Barbara A. Mikulski, Marjorie S.
Holt, Gladys N. Spellman, Beverly B. Byron, Parren J.
Mitchell, and Michael D. Barnes, House Office Building,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Signed April 8, 1980.
No. 3
(House Joint Resolution No. 126)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Mileage Reimbursement
FOR the purpose of approving the rule adopted by the Board
of Public Works increasing the rate of mileage
reimbursement for State employees.
WHEREAS, The Board of Public Works has adopted an
amendment to Section IV B of the Standard Travel Regulations
at its meeting on February 6, 1980. This amendment
increased the reimbursement rate for use of a personal car
by a State employee on State business from 16 cents to 18
cents per mile. The increase is to take effect on March 1,
1980. The increase is necessitated by the rise in gasoline
prices and automobile maintenance costs; and