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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 2913   View pdf image
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file number and with the date and hour of filing and give a
receipt therefor and he shall record same in either the
financing records or the land records, as the case may be,
where the original financing or continuation statement is
recorded. In addition the filing officer shall note the
termination statement and its record reference on the index
of the financing or continuation statement being terminated.
After recording such termination statement the original
shall be delivered or mailed to the person whose name and
address for purposes of delivery shall be indicated thereon.

(3) The uniform fee for the filing, noting in the
index of the financing or continuation statement the fact of
such termination and its record reference, furnishing a
receipt for such filing and recording the termination
statement in either the financing records or the land
records, as the case may be, shall be the amount determined
under § 7-202 of the Courts Article.


(1)  A financing statement may disclose an assignment
of a security interest in the collateral described in the
FINANCING statement by indication in the FINANCING statement
of the name and address of the assignee or by an assignment
itself or a copy thereof on the face or back of the
statement. [Either the original secured party or the
assignee may sign this statement as the secured party.] On
presentation to the filing officer of such a financing
statement the filing officer shall mark, receipt for, index,
record and deliver or mail the same as provided in § 9-403
(4). The uniform fee for the filing, indexing, furnishing a
receipt for such filing and recording with respect to such a
financing statement shall be the amount determined under §
7-202 of the courts Article.

(2)  A secured party may assign of record all or a part
of his rights under a financing statement by the filing IN
of a separate written statement of assignment signed by the
secured party of record and setting forth the name of the
secured party of record and the debtor, the identifying file
number, the record reference and the date of filing of the
financing statement and the name and address of the assignee
and containing a description of the collateral assigned. A
copy of the assignment is sufficient as a separate statement
if it complies with the preceding sentence On presentation
to the filing officer of such a separate statement of
assignment, he shall mark it with an identifying file number
and with the date and hour of filing and give a receipt
therefor and shall record same in either the financing
records or the land records, as the case may be, where the
original financing or continuation statement is recorded. In
addition he shall note the statement of assignment and its
record reference on the index of the financing or
continuation statement being assigned[.], OR IN THE CASE OF


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 2913   View pdf image
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