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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 1928   View pdf image
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Ch. 533

public hearing in the county in which one or more sites are

(b)  Each county is authorized to acquire, by lease,
purchase, or otherwise, including condemnation, facilities
and sites for facilities located in the county, for use as a
center. This authority includes the authority to construct
and renovate facilities on sites acquired by the county.
However, the county shall not exercise the authority granted
in this section unless the Secretary has determined that:

(1)  There is a need in the county for the

(2)  The proposed site and facility are
appropriate; and

(3)  The facility is, or upon completion will be,
consistent with the standards adopted pursuant to § 709. If
a county is divided into councilmanic districts or contains
more than one legislative district, it may, by ordinance,
provide that it will not place more than one center acquired
by it under this subsection (b) in a councilmanic or
legislative district unless there is a center in each
councilmanic or legislative district in the county.

(c)  If, within 18 months after the Secretary certifies
a need for a center, the county or counties in a region fail
to submit to the Secretary a proposed; site and plans for a
facility on it consistent with the standards adopted
pursuant to § 709, the Secretary shall declare the county or
counties in default. The Secretary may, for good cause
shown, extend this time for not more than an additional six

(d)  Upon a determination of a county's default, the
Secretary shall, within six months and after holding a
public hearing in the county, recommend a site for the
center for approval by the Board, of Public Works. Upon
approval of a site by the Board, the state is authorized to
exercise the authority granted in subsection (b).

(e)  The counties are authorized, as an extension of
the authority granted in subsection (b), to enter into
agreements with each other and with the State for the
location, acquisition, construction, and renovation of
facilities for a regional center to serve more than one
county. In that event, the conditions stated in subsection
(b) shall be applicable to the proposed regional center.

(f)  Upon a default, as specified in subsection (c),
the Secretary may recommend to the Board of Public Works a
site for a regional center in lieu of a county center; and
the Board may approve such a site. If the Board approves a
site for a regional center, the state is authorized to
exercise the authority granted in subsection (b) to acquire,
construct, and renovate facilities for a regional center.


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 1928   View pdf image
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