Ch. 523
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City], or creation of the office
of any such judge, or in any other way, the Governor shall
appoint a person duly qualified to fill said office, who
shall hold the same until the election and qualification of
his successor[; except that when a vacancy shall exist in
the office of Chief Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore
City, the Governor may designate an Associate Judge of said
Supreme Bench as Chief Judge of said Supreme Bench, and such
appointee as Chief Judge shall hold such office for the
residue of the term for which he was last elected an
Associate Judge of said Supreme Bench]. His successor shall
be elected at the first biennial general election for
Representatives in Congress after the expiration of the term
of fifteen years (if the vacancy occurred in that way) or
the first such general election after one year after the
occurrence of the vacancy in any other way than through
expiration of such term. Except in case of reappointment of
a judge upon expiration of his term of fifteen years, no
person shall be appointed who will become disqualified by
reason of age and thereby unable to continue to hold office
until the prescribed time when his successor would have been
The Judge, or Judges of any Court, may appoint such
officers for their respective Courts as may be found
necessary[; and such officers of the Courts in the City of
Baltimore shall be appointed by the Judges of the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City. It shall be the duty of the]. THE
General Assembly [to prescribe] MAY PROVIDE, by Law, [a
fixed] FOR compensation for all such officers; and [said]
THE Judge or Judges shall, from time to time, investigate
the expenses, costs and charges of their respective courts,
with a view to a change or reduction thereof, and report the
result of such investigation to the General Assembly for its
(a) The Court of Appeals from time to time shall
[make] ADOPT rules and regulations [to revise] CONCERNING
the practice and procedure in and the administration of the
appellate courts and in the other courts of this State,
which shall have the force of law until rescinded, changed
or modified by the Court of Appeals or otherwise by law.
The power of courts other than the Court of Appeals to make
rules of practice and procedure, or administrative rules,
shall be subject to the rules and regulations [prescribed]
ADOPTED by the Court of Appeals or otherwise by law.
(b) The Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals shall be
the administrative head of the Judicial system of the State.
He shall from time to time require, from each of the judges
of the Circuit Courts [for the several counties, of the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City], of the District Court and
of any intermediate courts of appeal, reports as to the