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superfluous hair, and the massaging, cleansing, stimulating,
exercising, or similar work upon the scalp, face, arms or
hands, by the use of mechanical or electrical apparatus or
appliances or cosmetics, preparations, tonics, antiseptics,
creams or lotions or by any other means, and of manicuring
and pedicuring the nails of either sex, which enumerated
practices shall be inclusive of the term beauty culture but
not in limitation thereof. The term does not include any
individual service which cosmetologists are not licensed to
perform under this subtitle.
(m) (3) The Comptroller's office shall maintain the
escrow account on behalf of the patient for a period of
seven years. If after this period neither the patient,
personal representative, heirs, nor any other person
entitled to claim the funds has done so, then the funds and
any interest earned shall accrue to the State. If property
is claimed by a person entitled to the funds or valuables,
the State shall return interest earned less costs to the
State of maintaining the account. After seven years, [Title
II] TITLE 17 of the Commercial Law Article of the Maryland
Code providing for disposition of unclaimed property shall
(o) (2) Abuse of patient funds, as defined in
[paragraph (a) of this subtitle] SUBSECTION (A) OF THIS
SECTION is a misdemeanor, and any person found guilty of
abuse of patient funds upon conviction is subject to a fine
of $500.
(b) A license, granted pursuant to this subtitle may
not be suspended, revoked, denied, or renewal denied without
a hearing, if requested by the license holder or applicant,
on due notice. Any action of the [Boards] BOARD taken
pursuant to or under color of this subtitle shall be
reviewable as provided in the Administrative Procedure Act.
(a) The Board shall waive the education and experience
requirements prescribed in § 920 of this subtitle for
licensure as an occupational therapist for all applicants
whose [principle] PRINCIPAL place of residence is in the
State of Maryland and who present evidence satisfactory to
the Board that they:
(1) Have been engaged in the practice of
occupational therapy in the State of Maryland for at least
two years prior to July 1, 1979;
(2) Have a baccalaureate degree in one of the
health sciences from an accredited college or university;