called the staff, eligible for participation in the
retirement system, the trustees of the retirement system
shall set a date subsequent hereto, as of which date
participation may begin for members of the staff in service
on that date, and after which participation shall be
required of new entrants in positions on the staff of the
University. Any member of the staff as of that date, or who
was a member during the year next preceding, who elects to
become a member of the retirement system within the first
year next following, shall file a statement of service prior
to that date and be credited for that service as prior
service in a manner similar to that provided in § 85 of
this subtitle, for teachers entitled to prior service
credit. Members of the staff entering the service after
that date shall be credited with service in a manner similar
to the credit accorded to other teachers entering the
membership of the retirement system. After the date set for
participation, members of the staff of the University shall
be considered in all other respects as to contributions by
them and benefits payable to them, or on their account, as
if they were teachers employed in a public school. The
actuary of the retirement system shall determine under the
provisions of [subsection (3)] SUBSECTION (2) of § 89 of
this subtitle a special "accrued liability contribution"
sufficient to cover the accrued liability on account of the
members of the staff for any service rendered before the
date of participation, with which they are credited, and the
contribution, subject to whatever corresponding adjustments
as might affect the "accrued liability contribution" payable
by the State, shall be payable on account of staff members
of the University in lieu of the rate set for other
teachers, and for a period of time equal to the period over
which the accrued liability contribution of the State is
payable. The State's contribution, which shall be payable
on account of all such members in the University, shall be
paid by the board of regents of the University of Maryland
from whatever funds as may be available to the board of
(a) Should the board of regents of Morgan State
University elect, by resolution, approved by the board of
trustees of the retirement system, to have the members of
the faculty of that institution, hereinafter called the
faculty, eligible for participation in the retirement
system, the trustees of the retirement system shall set a
date subsequent thereto, as of which date participation may
begin for members of the faculty in service on that date,
and after which participation shall be required of new
entrants in positions on the faculty of that University.
Any member of the faculty as of that date, or who was a
member during the year next preceding, who elects to become
a member of the retirement system within the first year next
following, shall file a statement of service prior to that
date and be credited for the service as prior service in a
manner similar to that provided in § 85 of this subtitle,