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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2804   View pdf image
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2804                                               INDEX


Contracts, required bid amount amended...... 2650

Elections, Mayor and City Council provisions

clarified................................. 2649

Mayor and Councilman, vacancy provisions.... 2649
Landlord and Tenant -

Defective tenancy provided for municipal

ordinance violation....................... 2760

Emergency number required................... 2759

Litter control, containers required at various

locations.................................. 2762

Metal property line markers required.......... 2766

Multifamily occupancy tax, provisions

deleted.................................... 2741

Nursing homes, regulations and enforcement

provisions clarified........................ 2747

Obscene matter, selling or loaning to

juveniles prohibited........................ 2753

Parking Authority established................. 2748

Parking restrictions in residential areas

authorized.................................. 2739

Peddlers and Itinerant Vendors -

Sales in public right-of-way prohibited..... 2759

Sales of certain goods to juveniles

prohibited................................ 2760

Police Department, provisions for disposition

of personal property to finder.............. 2765

Property, resubdivision, mandatory dedication

or fee-in-lieu of........................... 2746

Refuse collection and disposal, penalties

established; incineration provisions

repealed.................................... 2763

Reservation of land for public use, provisions

clarified................................... 2762

Roads, county executive authorized to close

unneeded roads.............................. 2741

Sanitary landfills, covered loads required on

vehicles entering........................... 2738

Seat Pleasant, Charter repealed and generally

revised..................................... 2664

Sewage disposal systems, individual

requirements................................ 2765

Smoking regulations and restrictions

established................................. 2748

Subdivision plats, preliminary, time period

provisions amended.......................... 2752

Swimming pools, provisions amended............ 2756

Towing, licensing, insurance and regulations,

provisions for.............................. 2740

Traffic, model ordinances of National

Committee on Uniform Laws adopted........... 2754

Trash truck licensing, municipal exemptions

to.......................................... 2745

University Park, absentee ballot provisions

amended..................................... 2667

Voter, qualified, defined to be synonymous

with registered, charter amendment proposed. 2746


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2804   View pdf image
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