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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2800   View pdf image
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Ethics in public service and contracting,

provisions added............................ 2730

Ethics in public service and contracting,

provisions amended.......................... 2736

Gaithersburg -

Annexation.................................. 2640

City taxes, collection provisions repealed.. 2640

Fines, maximum reduced...................... 2640

Planning, zoning and subdivision control,

provisions repealed....................... 2639

Historic sites, moratorium on alteration or

demolition.................................. 2728

Housing, moderately priced, provisions

amended..................................... 2730

Human relations, discrimination provisions

generally amended........................... 2719

Insurance, comprehensive program authorized;

Interagency Panel established............... 2733

Landlord and tenant -

Enforcement, administrative and other

provisions clarified...................... 2735

Fair relations provisions generally amended. 2723

Housing standards, waiver provisions

amended................................... 2725

Lease provisions amended.................... 2719

Notices, emergency representative required.. 2734

Office of Landlord and Tenant Affairs,

provisions amended........................ 2729

Rent control provisions repealed, omnibus

Tenant Protection Act enacted............. 2724

Rental facilities, licensing provisions

amended................................... 2726

Licensing fees, waivers and regulations,

provisions amended.......................... 2727

Massage, provisions for establishments and

technicians amended......................... 2717

Obscene matter, prohibitions added............ 2729

Recreation Board, membership provisions

amended..................................... 2733

Rockville -

Charter, provisions generally amended....... 2662

Revenue and taxes, special assessment

provisions amended........................ 2663

Smoke detectors, provisions amended........... 2735

Solid wastes -

Refuse collection district provisions

amended................................... 2719

Refuse collection districts, contract

provisions added.......................... 2723

Somerset, budget provisions amended........... 2665

State's Attorney, compensation increased,

provisions amended.......................... 2734

Subpoena, noncompliance made misdemeanor...... 2728

Taxes -

Beverage container tax imposed.............. 2722


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2800   View pdf image
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