(b) any entity of which he is an officer,
director, trustee, partner, or employee;
(c) any entity with which he is negotiating or
has any arrangement concerning prospective employment;
(d) any entity which is a party to an existing
contract with such officer or employee where such contract
when viewed in light of his participation in the transaction
results in a conflict or could reasonably be expected to
result in a conflict between the private interests of the
officer or employee and his official State duties;
(e) any entity, either engaged in a transaction
involving the State or subject to regulation by the agency
of which he is an officer or employee, in which a direct
financial interest is owned by another entity in which the
officer or employee has a direct financial interest;
(f) any entity which is a creditor or obligee
of such State officer or employee with respect to a thing of
economic value and which, by reason therefor, is in a
position to affect directly and substantially such officer's
or employee's economic interest.
The Board of Ethics may by written order suspend the
operation of this section, however, in whole or in part, as
to any particular State officer or employee or class thereof
with respect to any particular or class of transactions
involving the State, provided that said Board shall make a
finding in writing, that under all the circumstances, the
public welfare and interest in an officer's or employee's
participation exceeds the public interest in his
In any case where a State officer or employee must
disqualify himself under the provisions of this section, he
shall promptly notify his agency head, or, if he is an
agency head notify his appointing authority, and make a
written disclosure of his financial interest to such agency
head or appointing authority. A copy of such written
disclosure shall be sent to the Board of Ethics. The agency
head will thereupon relieve him of his duty and
responsibility in the matter, unless the Board of Ethics
makes a written determination that under the circumstances
the public welfare and interest in the officer's or
employee's participation exceeds the public interest in his
disqualification and provided that the State officer or
employee shall consent to such participation. A full
statement of the pertinent facts and of the Board's
determination of public welfare and interest under any
provisions of this section shall be kept on file by the