House Bill No. 1420
AN ACT concerning
Creation of a State Debt - Maryland Institute,
College of Art
FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt
in the amount of $625,000, the proceeds to be used for
the renovation, restoration, repair, and equipping of
the former Cannon Shoe Company Building for use as
instructional studios, and for the renovation,
restoration, repair, and equipping of studio classrooms
in the historic 1907 Main Building at 1300 West Mount
Royal Avenue in Baltimore City, subject to the
requirement that the Maryland Institute, College of Art
provide at least an equal and matching fund for the
same purpose; providing for the disposition of funds
not encumbered by a certain date; and providing
generally for the issue and sale of bonds evidencing
the loan.
Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Mr. Cardin:
May 29, 1979
In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed House Bill 1420.
This bill authorizes the creation of a State debt of
$625,000 to be used for the renovation of the former Cannon
Shoe Company Building for use as instructional studios, and
for the renovation of studio classrooms at the Maryland
Institute, College of Art.
Senate Bill 538, which was enacted by the General
Assembly and signed by me on May 29, 1979, accomplishes the
same purpose.
Therefore it is unnecessary for me to sign House Bill
Harry Hughes