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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2315   View pdf image
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on April 27, 1979. As the attached memorandum report
indicates, it was the conclusion of the representatives
that the jail could not house delinquent juveniles in a
manner that would preclude regular contact with adult
inmates. 1/ The jail lacks separate facilities and
services for juvenile offenders, is seriously
overcrowded and understaffed, and cannot adequately
assure the protection of detained juveniles. * * *

In view of this report, it is virtually certain that
enactment of House Bill 1263 and its subsequent
implementation in Prince George's County would result
in substantial noncompliance by the State of Maryland
with the Section 223 (a) (13) requirement. The
consequence of such noncompliance would most likely be
the immediate termination of formula grant funding
eligibility for the State.

* * *

There is always the remote possibility that Prince
George's County would implement House Bill 1263 in a
manner consistent with the statute and LEAA guidelines
and policy direction. However, given the structure and
conditions of the Prince George's County jail, it does
not appear that the proposed legislation could be
implemented in a manner consistent with the Section
223(a) (13) requirement.

In a May 4, 1979 letter to Delegate Joan Pitkin, Prince
George's County Executive Lawrence J. Hogan advised:

...As you are aware, the citizens of Prince George's
County have expressed their desire to hold the line on
spending. In concert with the people's mandate, I
cannot in good conscience request supplemental funds or
positions necessary to meet the fiscal requirements of
the subject legislation. Accordingly, House Bill 1263
does not have the endorsement of the Prince George's
County Government.

In response to the specific questions raised in your
correspondence, the situation is as follows:

a)     There are no plans contemplated for additional
construction or renovation of existing facilities
in our FY 1980 budget.

b)     Additionally, the FY 1980 budget does not contain
positions to accomodate the implementation of a
juvenile program.

c)     There are currently no supplemental training or
counseling programs in the FY 1980 budget to
facilitate the intent of the subject legislation.


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2315   View pdf image
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