demolition, removal, relocation, renovation or
alteration of land, buildings, streets, highways,
alleys, utilities or services, and other structures or
improvements, and for the construction, reconstruction,
installation, relocation or repair of buildings,
streets, highways, alleys, utilities or services, and
other structures or improvements; the payment of any
and all costs and expenses incurred for or in
connection with doing any or all of the things herein
mentioned, including, but not limited to, the costs and
expenses of securing administrative, appraisal,
economic analysis, engineering, planning, designing,
architectural, surveying, and other professional
services; and doing any and all things necessary,
proper or expedient in connection with or pertaining to
any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore
mentioned; authorizing said municipality to submit an
ordinance or ordinances for said purpose to the legal
voters of Baltimore City, and providing generally for
the issuance and sale of said certificates of
indebtedness; and making this Act an emergency measure.
May 29, 1979
Honorable James Clark, Jr.
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Mr. President:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed Senate Bill 22.
This bill authorizes the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore City to create a $4,500,000 debt for the purpose
of the "Community Development Program" after further
authorization by an ordinance of the City Council and
submission to the City voters.
House Bill 35, which was enacted by the General
Assembly and signed by me on March 26, 1979, accomplishes
the same purpose.
Therefore it is unnecessary for me to sign Senate Bill
Harry Hughes