Signed May 1, 1979.
No- 21
(Senate Joint Resolution No. 58)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
Transportation — Elderly Persons
FOR the purpose of requesting the Governor to direct the
Office on Aging and the Department of Transportation to
study the transportation problems of elderly persons
and make certain recommendations for the improvement of
transportation systems to meet the needs of older
WHEREAS, There are more than 400,000 persons living in
the State of Maryland who are 65 years of age and over; and
WHEREAS, Many of these older persons are living on low
incomes and are increasingly unable to afford the inflation
ridden costs of both public and private transportation; and
WHEREAS, Many elderly persons live in rural areas that
are poorly served by either public or private transportation
since the large distances and scattered population make
transportation systems prohibitively expensive; and
WHEREAS, Even in urban areas where public
transportation exists, many elderly persons, because of
reduced mobility, find such transportation inaccessible, and
for those who are frail and disabled, the design of the
vehicles may make it impossible to utilize the service; and
WHEREAS, The lack of adequate transportation means that
the elderly are unable to take advantage of community
health, recreational, legal and social services which help
the elderly retain independent, self—sufficient, and
fulfilling lives; now, therefore, be it
Governor is hereby requested to direct the Office on Aging
and the Department of Transportation to study the
transportation problems of all elderly persons and prepare
and submit a report to the Legislative Council by December
30, 1979, using the findings of studies already underway or
completed by the Department of State Planning, the
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, the
Baltimore Regional Planning Council, and the several county
governments, containing specific recommendations for
cost—effective systems of dealing with the transportation
problems of the elderly; and be it further