FOR the purpose of requesting the Federal Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms to permit continued packaging of
4—ounce Intrastate alcoholic beverage containers,
WHEREAS, For many years, Maryland alcoholic beverage
bottlers and distillers have packaged and distributed within
the State of Maryland alcoholic beverages in bottles and
containers having a 4—ounce capacity; and
WHEREAS, The bottlers and distributors provide
employment for many Maryland residents, and the sales of
4—ounce containers are a source of substantial tax revenue
to the State of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, On July 1, 1980, the United States is adopting
the Metric System. In conjunction with said Metric System,
the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has
indicated to the Comptroller of the State of Maryland that
4—ounce alcoholic beverage containers will no longer be
permitted for sale in the State of Maryland, even though
these containers are packaged and sold only within the
borders of the State of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, The provisions of the Twenty—First Amendment
to the United States Constitution specifically permit each
state to regulate the control and flow of alcoholic
beverages within its borders; and
WHEREAS, The proposed action of the Federal Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is an infringement upon the
clear Constitutional rights of the State of Maryland, and
would result in the possible closing of long—established
Maryland businesses, loss of substantial tax revenues to the
State of Maryland, and loss of many jobs for the citizens of
Maryland; now, therefore, be it
Comptroller of the Treasury of the State of Maryland take
all necessary action and steps with the Federal Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to permit the continued
packaging and intrastate distribution of 4—ounce alcoholic
beverage containers in the State of Maryland; and be it
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the State of
Maryland; the Honorable Joseph P. Oates, Director, Alcohol
and Tobacco Tax Division; Comptroller of the Treasury, State
of Maryland; each of the Maryland Senators and Congressmen;
and John Krogman, Acting Director of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms.
Signed April 10, 1979.