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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1895   View pdf image
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HARRY HUGHES, Governor                                  1895

but if the address be unknown shall publish the same in some
newspaper published in Calvert County, the cost of said
publication to be added to the tax bill so published, and
unless said bills be paid within thirty days of the delivery
or publication thereof, the said bailiff may collect the
same with all costs by distress and sale of the real estate

and personal property of the delinquent at public auction,

after giving twenty days' notice in some newspaper published
in said county; and conveyance of said property, so sold, by
the Commissioners shall be presumptive evidence that the law
has been complied with in making such sale and conveyance.]


The bailiff shall preserve the peace and good order of
the town and for this purpose is hereby invested with the
same power and authority as any constable has under the laws
of the State; he shall make all collections required of him
pay the same to the Commissioners within six months from the

time the tax bills are delivered to him, and shall__perform

such duties as the Commissioners may direct.]


The president shall preside at the meeting of the

commissioners and in case of offenses for violation of the
ordinances (or any of them) of the town shall have all the
powers of a justice of the peace, and shall be entitled in
such cases to the same fees as justices of the peace in
similar cases; and whenever a fine imposed by him exceeds
the value of five dollars the party so fined shall have the
same right of appeal to and trial before the Circuit Court
for Calvert County, as from an appeal from the decision of a
justice of the peace.]


Any fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed by this

charter or__any__ordinance of the Commissioners, may be

collected in their name as other small debts are collected,

or a justice of the peace shall have power__to__commit such

offenders to the county jail in default of payment of such
fines and forfeitures and penalties until the same shall be
paid with costs.]


The commissioners shall not expend or contract to
expend in any one year more money than the amount receivable
from taxes and other sources for that year, and they shall
have power to establish the original building lines on any
streets in said town as far as practicable without removing
present buildings, to establish building lines on any street

hereafter opened and to compel all persons erecting

buildings in said town to conform thereto.]



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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1895   View pdf image
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