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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1893   View pdf image
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The three commissioners elected shall choose one of
their number as president, and all vacancies in said board
shall be filled by an election to be held after ten days'

notice given by the remaining Commissioners, and the

Commissioners so elected shall meet at some convenient place
in said town on or before the first Monday in June next
succeeding their election and as often thereafter as may be
necessary to discharge the duties of their office.]


The commissioners shall in every year on or before the
first Monday in April appoint three judges of election, who
shall conduct the election according to the election laws of
this State as they existed prior to the enactment of Chapter
538 of the Acts of 1890; (it being the intent of this
sub—title that the law known as the "Australian Ballot
System" shall not prevail in reference to said town
election) provided, that the hours for holding said election
shall only be from two o'clock p.m., to six o'clock p.m.;
and the judges and the clerks of election appointed by them
(which clerks they are hereby authorized and directed to
appoint), shall make the returns of such elections to the
Commissioners, but shall receive no compensation for their
services; the first election shall he held before George W.
Hayward, John J. Saunders and Frank P. Harten who are hereby
appointed judges for that purpose, and if either of them
should be absent the vacancies shall be filled by the judge
or judges present.]


The said commissioners shall appoint in their
discretion annually a clerk who shall keep the minutes of
their proceedings in a well—bound book which shall be open

to the inspection of all persons interested therein and

shall perform such other duties as the said Commissioners
shall assign him to, and receive such pay as they may deem
proper, not exceeding the sum of twenty—five dollars per
annum; the said Commissioners shall also appoint a baliff
whose compensation shall be such as they may deem proper,
not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars per annum, and

said baliff__shall, when acting as a constable receive

similar fees as constables.]


The commissioners and all other__officers__of the

corporation shall before entering upon the duties of their
offices make oath that they will diligently and faithfully
without prejudice, partiality or favor perform the duties of

their respective__offices, and shall file a certificate

thereof signed by the justice of the peace before whom said
oath was taken among the records of the corporation.]


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1893   View pdf image
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