of this compact, provided that the board takes specific
action setting aside such funds prior to the incurring of
any obligation to be met in whole or in part in this manner.
Except where the board makes use of funds available to it
under Article II (h) hereof, the board shall not incur any
obligation prior to the allotment of funds by the party
jurisdictions adequate to meet the same.
[(d) Any expenses and any other costs for each of the
board in attending board meetings shall be met by the board
in accordance with the standard travel regulations.]
[(e)] (D) The board shall keep accurate accounts of
all receipts and disbursements. The receipts and
disbursements of the board shall be subject to the audit and
accounting procedures established under its bylaws.
However, all receipts and disbursements of funds handled by
the board shall be audited yearly by a qualified public
accountant and the report of the audit shall be included in
and become part of the annual report of the board.
[(f)] (E) The accounts of the board shall be open at
any reasonable time for inspection.
Article IV. Advisory Committees
The board may establish such advisory and technical
committees as it may deem necessary, membership on which to
include but not be limited to private citizens, expert and
lay personnel, representatives of industry, labor, commerce,
agriculture, civic associations, medicine, education,
voluntary health agencies, and officials of local, state and
federal government, and may cooperate with and use the
services of any such committees and the organizations which
they represent in furthering any of its activities under
this compact.
Article V. Powers
The board shall have power to:
(a) Ascertain and analyze on a continuing basis the
position of the South with respect to [nuclear and related]
(b) Encourage the development, CONSERVATION, and
RESPONSIBLE use of [nuclear] energy[,] AND ENERGY-RELATED
facilities, installations, and products as part of a
(c) Collect, correlate, and disseminate information
relating to civilian use of [nuclear] energy[,] AND
ENERGY-RELATED materials and products.