BLAIR LEE III, Acting Governor 2931
No. 1
(Senate Joint Resolution 21)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
The Governor's Salary Commission
Salary Recommendations
For Governor and Lieutenant Governor
FOR the purpose of establishing the salaries to be paid the
Governor and lieutenant Governor, as directed by
Article II, Section 21A of the Constitution, for the
four-year term of office beginning January 17, 1979.
An amendment ratified by the voters of Maryland in
November, 1976, added Section 21A to Article II of the
Constitution which establishes a seven—member Governor's
Salary Commission comprised of the State Treasurer, three
members appointed by the President of the Senate, and three
members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates.
In July, 1977, the Governor's Salary Commission was
constituted as follows: State Treasurer, William S. James;
appointments by the President of the Senate: Bruce Adams,
Frank A. Gunther, and Genevieve H- Wilson; appointments by
the Speaker of the House of Delegates: Howard I. Scaggs,
Alfred I. Scanlan, and W. Robert M. Valliant. The
Commission elected Alfred L. Scanlan Chairman.
Pursuant to Constitution Article II, Section 21A, this
Joint Resolution may be amended to decrease but not increase
the salaries reccomended by the Governor's Salary
Commission, although the salaries may not be decreased below
their January, 1978 levels. If the General Assembly fails
to adopt a Joint Resolution in accordance with Article II,
Section 21A, within 50 calendar days after introduction of
this Resolution, the salaries recommended by the Governor's
Salary Commission shall apply effective January 17, 1979.
If the General Assembly amends the Joint Resolution, the
salaries specified in the Joint Resolution, as amended,
shall apply.
The work of the Governor's Salary Commission, at six
meetings conducted September, 1977 through January, 1978,
included consideration and analysis of available
gubernatorial compensation and allowances data; development
and publication of tentative Commission positions with
respect to salaries, perquisites, and related matters;
solicitation of public views regarding the Commission's
tentative proposals; and final determinations as presented
in the Commission's report to the General Assembly.